Picture of Roman

Hi! I'm Roman

I'm an engineering manager located in Vienna, Austria.

These days, I enjoy working with teams using TypeScript.


These are the companies that I've worked for over my career.

I started at Zooplus in 2018, initially as a senior full-stack developer. In 2021, I transitioned to a technical lead role, where my responsibilities include software design, system architecture & implementation, advising teams on how to best build their products. I also like to give (and participate in) workshops to facilitate knowledge sharing.

In 2023 I took on additional responsibilities as a people lead, such as conducting regular one-on-ones with the team, ensuring a positive work environment and mentoring others in addition to my duties as tech lead.

To use more standardized industry terms, my work at zooplus is best described as that of an engineering manager.

While finishing my master's degree, I worked at Innovation.rocks part-time - At first I was developing mini JS applications for mobile devices that rendered augmented reality content in a web view. Later, I was in charge of creating a CMS backend responsible for serving these applications and their assets. The CMS included a role-based access model, as well as internationalization capabilities for the provided content.

I worked at Theobroma part-time during my bachelor's degree. During my time there, I implemented parts of a javascript runtime targeted for embedded devices, including a Web-IDE for live-debugging javascript-apps running on micro-controllers using the V8 debugger protocol and an nginx-module for routing.

As a student, I paired up with a good friend and colleague of mine to design and implement a document search system for Schubert Elektroanlagen as a freelancer. The system was built on ruby on rails and used Apache Solr to index PDF documents and make them available for search.


I have a master's degree in computer science.

After school, I pursued a degree in computer science. My master's thesis was a project to generate interactive visualizations from various software-engineering tools, such as git, issue trackers or CI/CD software. Data visualization is a topic I'm still passionate about. During my studies I particularly enjoyed some courses about functional programming, which is where I first learned about immutability and smart type systems.

After primary school, I went to HTL St. Pölten where I first learned programming at the age of 13.


These are the things I'm good at. Use the buttons to browse the various categories!


You can reach me via e-mail at . I'm also on LinkedIn if you'd like to reach out there.

If you wanna check out more of my code, some of it is publicly available on GitHub or NPM.

About this CV

I still like to code every now and then - I built this CV myself using next.js! It's source-code is up on GitHub if you're interested. Here's the breakdown of the tools used:

  • Next.js/React
  • Skills chart: nivo
  • Hosting: vercel
  • Styling: CSS modules/SCSS